Projects PAGAnInI Personalized Augmented Guidance for the Autonomy of People with Intellectual Impairments Conversational Web A natural language interaction paradigm for the Web DREAM (MSCA RISE) Exploring ways to enable older adults to learn, contribute and interact, with the help of ICT. Collegamenti Developing ICT services to increase the QoL of older adults living in residential care. Gymcentral Tools and services to enable and motivate older adults to follow online group-exercises from home in a virtual gym, under the remote supervision of a Coach. LiquidPub Exploring innovative, dynamic, and collaborative approaches to scientific knowledge creation, evaluation and publishing. PerTe Exploring mechanisms for allowing older adults to participate of remote museum visits. Come Along Developing mechanisms, algorithms and applications to motivate the participation of users to events. Innovation Cockpit Developing models and services that combined UX with machine learning to support facilitators in large scale idea management systems.