
Tools and services to enable and motivate older adults to follow online group-exercises from home in a virtual gym, under the remote supervision of a Coach.


  1. Unifying platform for the physical, mental and social well-being of the elderly
    Iman Khaghani Far, Patrı́cia Silveira, Fabio Casati, and 1 more author
    In Embedded and Multimedia Computing Technology and Service: EMC 2012, 2012
  2. Virtual Social Gym: a Persuasive Training Platform for Independently Living Seniors
    Iman Khaghani Far, Francisco Ibarra, Marcos Baez, and 1 more author
    In 9th International Conference on Persuasive Technology, PERSUASIVE 2014, 2014
  3. far2015interplay.jpg
    The interplay of physical and social wellbeing in older adults: investigating the relationship between physical training and social interactions with virtual social environments
    Iman Khaghani Far, Michela Ferron, Francisco Ibarra, and 4 more authors
    PeerJ Computer Science, 2015
  4. Online group-exercises for older adults of different physical abilities
    Marcos Baez, Francisco Ibarra, Iman Khaghani Far, and 2 more authors
    In 2016 international conference on collaboration technologies and systems (CTS), Oct 2016
  5. Fitness Applications for Home-Based Training
    Iman Khaghani-Far, Svetlana Nikitina, Marcos Baez, and 2 more authors
    IEEE Pervasive Computing, Oct 2016
  6. baez2017effects.png
    Effects of online group exercises for older adults on physical, psychological and social wellbeing: a randomized pilot trial
    Marcos Baez, Iman Khaghani Far, Francisco Ibarra, and 3 more authors
    PeerJ, Oct 2017
  7. A Home-Based Exercise Program Driven by Tablet Application and Mobility Monitoring for Frail Older Adults: Feasibility and Practical Implications
    Hilde AE Geraedts, Wiebren Zijlstra, Wei Zhang, and 5 more authors
    Preventing Chronic Disease, Oct 2017
  8. nikitina2018feasibility.png
    Feasibility of Virtual Tablet-Based Group Exercise Among Older Adults in Siberia: Findings From Two Pilot Trials
    Svetlana Nikitina, Daniele Didino, Marcos Baez, and 1 more author
    JMIR Mhealth Uhealth, Feb 2018
  9. Online group exercises for older adults: Randomized controlled trials to study adherence and effects
    F Casati, M Baez, and S Nikitina
    Innovation in Aging, Feb 2017