
Exploring innovative, dynamic, and collaborative approaches to scientific knowledge creation, evaluation and publishing.


  1. Resource Space Management Systems
    Marcos Baez, and Fabio Casati
    In 2009 Seventh IEEE European Conference on Web Services, Nov 2009
  2. baez2010liquid.png
    Liquid Journals: Knowledge Dissemination in the Web Era
    Marcos Baez, Fabio Casati, Aliaksandr Birukou, and 1 more author
    Nov 2010
  3. baez2010addressing.png
    Addressing Information Overload in the Scientific Community
    Marcos Baez, Aliaksandr Birukou, Fabio Casati, and 1 more author
    IEEE Internet Computing, Nov 2010
  4. A Scientific Resource Space Management System
    Cristhian Parra, Marcos Baez, Florian Daniel, and 3 more authors
    Nov 2010
  5. soi2010domain.png
    Domain-specific mashups: from all to all you need
    Stefano Soi, and Marcos Baez
    In Current Trends in Web Engineering: 10th International Conference on Web Engineering ICWE 2010 Workshops, Vienna, Austria, July 2010, Revised Selected Papers 10, Nov 2010
  6. baez2010liquidcourse.png
    Liquid course artifacts software platform
    Marcos Baez, Boualem Benatallah, Fabio Casati, and 3 more authors
    In Service-Oriented Computing: 8th International Conference, ICSOC 2010, San Francisco, CA, USA, December 7-10, 2010. Proceedings 8, Nov 2010
  7. Sharing scientific knowledge with knowledge spaces
    Marcos Baez, Fabio Casati, and Maurizio Marchese
    In Social Informatics: Third International Conference, SocInfo 2011, Singapore, October 6-8, 2011. Proceedings 3, Nov 2011
  8. Knowledge spaces
    Marcos Baez, Fabio Casati, and Maurizio Marchese
    In Web Engineering: 11th International Conference, ICWE 2011, Paphos, Cyprus, June 20-24, 2011 11, Nov 2011
  9. baez2010liquidjcdl.png
    Liquid journals: scientific journals in the Web 2.0 era
    Marcos Baez, Alejandro Mussi, Fabio Casati, and 2 more authors
    In Proceedings of the 10th Annual Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, Nov 2010
  10. Towards an Abstraction Layer for Scientific Services
    Marcos Baez
    In ICSOC/ServiceWave 2009 PhD Symposium, Nov 2009
  11. baez2012thesis.png
    Knowledge Dissemination in the Web Era
    Marcos Baez
    Nov 2012
  12. baez2011understanding.png
    Understanding and supporting search for scholarly knowledge
    Marcos Baez, Daniil Mirylenka, and Cristhian Parra
    Proceeding of the 7th European Computer Science Summit, Nov 2011